Class Tiyulim...

The Golan and the Eastern Galilee -- October 29-31, 2002

The group learning about Israel's security Paul Liptz with students Sabrina, Jessica, Mike, Joel, and Yoni In the cemetery... learning about those who built the Galilee... Jon and Susan Natan (our guide) and Erica (holding the map... of course!) Karen, Susan, and Sabrina. In the Rosh Pina synagogue before Mincha. Natan in front -- Paul, Stephanie, Teri, Melissa, Elana, Rabbi Margie Meyer, Deb, Jon, Erica, and Kim Learning about the history of Kibbutz Degania Alef -- Matt, Ben, Dave, Ari, Erica Degania Alef -- note the kitten on Josh's lap Melissa and Ben in the Banyas National Park Elana, Matt, Josh, Christiana, David, Ben, Pearl, Joel, and Yoni at the Banyas On the Northern border, which used to be in Syria prior to 1957. Lynn, Evon, Stacey, Alyssa, and Ilana listen to Paul's personal stories from the frontlines

The Western Galilee, Tsfat, Tzippori, and Haifa -- November 20-23, 2002

Moshe explaining the history of Tzfat synagogue in Tzefat -- Joel in foreground Shaul teaching a little about Jacob and Esau during our Seudah Shlishit in Haifa -- and Joel in the foreground Ben, Devorah, Ilana, Sara, Kim, Elana And on the drums... Gabe and Yoni. A little Carlebach, please! Tzippori -- looking into an ancient aquaduct Joel, Mark, and Stacey Havdalah with the Israeli Rabbinic Students -- Micah on guitar

The Old City -- Southern Wall Excavations -- November, 2002

Val and Pearl At the Southern Wall Excavations

Tel Aviv -- Independence Hall, Latrun -- October, 2002

Val, Ann, Deb, Jay, Julie, Lynn, Susan Yoni and Jess in foreground -- Lorraine, Decorah, Paul, Elana in background Listening to the history of the failed defense at Latrun, on the road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem