Student Life
Yup. There's a war in the Persian Gulf and Iraq. Iraq is far away. So is Kuwait. So is Haifa, for that matter. Yes, we are all prepared -- we have our supplies of bottled water and canned food, our sealed rooms, and our gas masks ready. But Jerusalem is very quiet, and we are thankful for that. Life is going on as usual here at HUC, and we are working together to make the best out of this situation. Part of that normalcy is making sure to continue celebrating life as usual. We had an amazing Purim celebration on Shushan Purim (because Jerusalem is a walled city), and lots of members of the class travelled to Tel Aviv on erev Purim to hear the Megillah read there too. Our Purim party continued at Hess Cafe, around the corner from school, where we ate, drank, and made merry -- before going home to seal our rooms for the impending war!
Purim pictures should be up soon on our photo album page -- check them out and let us know what you think by leaving a note in our guest book!
Events! Calendar! What's going on?!
April 11-14 -- Tiyul to the Negev and Eilat, Kibbutz Yahel and Lotan
April 15-26 -- Pesach Recess!!!!!
June 1-4 -- Final Exams
June 8 -- Evaluations
Life at School
SEND US YOUR PICTURES!!! If you are still holding onto some good ones, send them to Ross ASAP.